David Gross
Praised by critics for his “perfect control of sound” (Nordsee-Zeitung) and playing that is “tender, rich and filled with color” (Greenville News), David Gross is a regular guest performer in concert halls and recital venues throughout the United States and Germany. A prizewinner in the international piano competitions in Marsala (Italy) and Bremen (Germany), he has performed in numerous solo and collaborative concerts, including performances with the Berliner Symphoniker, soprano Janet Williams (Berliner Staatsoper), and the Berliner Piano Trio (Deutsche Oper Berlin).
Der gebürtige Berliner David Gross erhielt seinen ersten Klavierunterricht mit sechs Jahren. Von der Kritik immer wieder hervorgehoben wird seine warme Anschlagskultur, lyrisches inniges Spiel, farbiges Klangspektrum und brillante Technik, aber auch seine Fähigkeit, große Formen gedanklich zu durchdringen und dem Hörer nahezubringen. Sein Repertoire umfasst Werke der vergangenen drei Jahrhunderte und bewegt sich auch mit Freude und Abenteuerlust auf wenig bewanderten Pfaden.
“sparkling”, “formidable”
“”lyrically heartfelt “, “riveting”
“an interpretation with mind and heart”
“tender, rich, and filled with color
“compelling”, “brilliant virtuosity”
“He made the piano notes whisper, twinkle, roar, and dance; musical phrases rippled and capered, caressed and cajoled”
“sensitive, sparkling transparency”

Ernesto Lecuona - La comparsa
Leoš Janáček - In the Mists (V mlhach)
Amy Beach - A Hermit Thrush at Eve
Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata in A-flat major, Op. 110
“He is a pianist of strong, brisk fingers and penetrating mind whose technique is formidable enough to make light of whatever difficulties Chopin’s music throws in his way. ...his sparkling treatment of the Waltz in A-flat, Opus 42 was the real thing.”